Thursday, November 06, 2008

More on Hwy. 30

This letter is in response to Adam Pomerinke and Veronica Hartly's February 20th letters who were responding to my original letter about people plugging up roads on Hwy 30. To summarize Pomerinke's letter, it states that driving under the speed limit isn't against the law, tells us all to relax and to be patient and begin our journey a few minutes earlier while Hartly's letter basically spouts the same drivel but to enjoy the country side while were stuck behind you people who appreciate the slow life. Ok.... get this straight people, we don't work, live by your schedule, get it? If you want to smell the flowers as you are floating down the road at 35 mph in a 55 with numerous frustrated drivers behind you, PULL OVER! It's called courtesy. You people are the direct cause of traffic congestion. I don't tail gate, but I refuse to sit behind you while you are oblivious to the 100 people stuck behind you while you are listening to your meditation music and burning incense in your car. You know, you call always tell who the slow pokes are because the entire backside of their vehicle's are always smashed in.
John Wilson
Saint Helens, OR.

Drivers on Hyw. 30

This letter is about some very dangerous drivers. I sincerely hope you see yourselves in this letter and change your driving habits before someone gets hurt or killed. Most of Oregon and Washington's roads are two lanes only. Like all areas that start off as rural, these two states are doing there level best not to handle the influx of population that this area has experienced over the last five decades.There are a some drivers out there that feel they can drive ten to fifteen miles under the speed limit, that this is their right to do so. To be more specific, I witness this mostly on Hwy 30. I have seen as many as 10 or more vehicles stuck behind and at the mercy of these pace cars. Now comes the illegal part of what these people do; if you try and pass them they speed up as to not allow you to pass and then subsequently slow down again once you are behind them after a failed attempt at passing. These people need to be arrested, their vehicles impounded, their license revoked and made to ride public transit, at the back of the bus where it has the overwhelming stench of urine. You do not own the road, we all own it! You do not have the right to plug up, block the flow of traffic. Sooner or later, some nut will be stuck behind you while you are showing him or her that you own the road and they will simply bulldoze you right off the road. Amen!

John Wilson
Saint Helens, OR.

We want a BIG bridge, not an Ergonomic one!

Well, the King's court, known more commonly as Metro has decided to give a reluctant nod for the new Bridge with some major scaling down from 12 lanes to 6 lanes for their fear of, (God forbid) more growth, more jobs, a stronger economy. They fear pollution and want us all out of our cars, riding our bicycles with the bottle of water and goofy looking helmet. OK, listen dammit, this is OUR money and we want twelve lanes, in fact, we would like to have sixteen but we'll settle for twelve. We're tired of congestion, we're tired of you people bottle-necking every main artery to frustrate drivers to force them out of their cars in the name of saving a tree or some plant that maybe a tenth of one percent knows or even cares about. We have allot of people we need to move around. We're not interested in riding a train that mainly ferries winos and teenagers around and smells like urine where it's average speed is 19 mph. Thanks for your input Metro, but we'll take a real bridge, not some bike bridge that you would rather build.

John Wilson

St. Helens, OR

Feminism and right to life.

After reading Diane Grumbois's September 7th letter entitled, "Palin is no Hillery Clinton", I felt compelled to respond to the following statement she made;" True feminists believe women should control their own bodies. Sarah Palin believes we can’t be trusted."
As a Conservative, I believe I speak along with my constituency when I say, we ALL agree you women or any person for that matter should have control over your body, however, that being said where the feminists and Conservatives part ways is with the 'human being" that exists inside you. The control of a certain aspect of your body ceases to exist once another human being exists inside you, that persons rights need to be taken into consideration. Liberals, feminists alike believe in the "Natural Process" of life, especially when it comes to nature, you people are all about Organic this or that, no pesticides or mankind's influence with respect to our forests, (Biscuit fire is an example;no logging of the timber). If a child is allowed to grow full term, that baby will be born in the natural process will it not? Then your interference into that gestation is un-natural, is it not? Why do you Feminists-Liberal-Environmentalists's non-interference principals apply in nature, but do not apply in the womb?
John Wilson
Saint Helens, OR

They have one of their own running OUR country!

Everyone has concerns of the thought of Obama as our next President for fear of attacks from Muslim extremists, let me assure you, all attacks will cease. Why you ask? For the simple fact that if Obama is elected, they will then have one of their own as the leader of our country and we will have the the useful idiots, the Liberal left who are placing him there, to thank. Theses same clueless fools will respond with,"So what's the problem"? The problem is we are a sovereign nation, once Obama is in office, you will see changes abound with respect to our Constitution if we even have one left by time his term is through. He is a marionette for those that hate this country and what we originally stood for. The political landscape of this country is changing at an exponential rate. Obama will bring us one step closer to a one world government where we will answer to others, and not our constitution and those "rights" we currently own, will evaporate faster than a fart in a wind storm.

John Wilson
Saint Helens, OR

Liberalism is a Cancer....

I would like to respond to both Dan Moorehead and Tina Hayden on their letters. Both raise
important issues. Issues that affect the quality of all of our lives. But they as well as everyone else that are beside themselves in disbelief because they do not understand the "why", need to come to grips with what has just happened and what has been happening for the past 50 years.It's called Liberalism. Yes, I do in fact say it like a pejorative as it should be. Liberalism is a cancer that is here to stay and has been killing this country slowly over time. It has hijacked the Democrat party and used it as a catalyst to metastasize. The Liberal mind set wants everything equal across the board, but brought to the lowest level as to accommodate all. If parts of the world live in squalor, we ALL are to be brought to that level. Personal achievement is discouraged and punished. The wealthy Liberal elites who philosophically have a monarchical or hierarchical belief, feel they should be exempt from the miserable lives of the peasants. Does any of this sound familiar? Say about 233 years ago?

John Wilson
Saint Helens, OR.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why circuit Court Judge Mary James of Oregon must be removed from the bench.

Dear Nena Cook,
I read your article today in the Oregonian on measure 37. While any reasonable thinking person would agree with your assessment of our checks and balances, there is one wild card your are not considering. Judges of long ago knew their duty on the bench and approached it with unbiased fervor. Today's judges unlike their predecessors are very much biased, in fact, they are flat out planted there by one side or the other making them the most powerful politicians in our country. You would think that the term, " Judicial Politician" is an oxymoron, however it fully describes our current judges of today. The system is broken. Our judges of today are about as honorable as constituency that placed them there or that of a judge in some corrupt third world country. This, Ms. Cook, is precisely the reason why the "Checks and Balances" do not function. Judge Mary James was placed in a position of power to be the strong arm to fulfill the wishes of her constituency, period, and any reasonable thinking person can see that. Yes, she most certainly needs to be removed. Thank you for your time.


John P. Wilson

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Political Correctness

Why does political correctness have such a stranglehold on our society? Many who are conservatives soften their tone for fear of repercussions. Obviously there is a large demographic out there that must be spoken softly to, bereft of passion and truth. I listen to George Bush, hoping that I will see some passion, some fist pounding telling the Liberals exactly where they can place their agendas, rather it looks more like someone talking in their sleep. It would seem in this country that truth means nothing anymore. The masses of asses need soothing lies that cater to one liberal and/or feminist agenda after another or their eyes glaze over with boredom. It would seem we are speaking to a generation that was nursed on MTV or some other mindless propaganda. What has happened to the quality, depth and convictions of most people? I read some of the writings of our founders, or of people just 70 years ago. It becomes abundantly clear after reading just a few lines that these qualities in our fellow countrymen do not exist anymore. I see this modern day Liberalism as a serious illness in our society. It encompasses many areas such as the continued dumbing down of Americans, bloated government agencies that perpetuate redundancy. Social engineering that redistributes income to the listless slobs that do not wish to work or think for themselves, (the citizens of New Orleans is a perfect example of this). We keep making excuses for this bad behavior. When does the line get drawn in the sand? A mother, dumps her three babies off of a pier in San Francisco and we have some psychiatrist... oh forget it! Let's call him what he is, a MORON comes to the Mother's defense saying that she needs compasssssion. I'M SICK OF IT! I was watching a news bite of some Liberal speaking. Plastered on the podium was a banner that stated, " We need to take back our country". I find this fascinating since the Liberals have this country lock, stock and barrel and we gave it to them on a GOLD platter! The ONLY person that I see in the media today that does not mince words, speaks from the heart with wisdom and passion, clearly and concisely exposes the ills of our society is none other than Michael Savage. Oh, if only he would run for office, God would I love to see that!

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


How many self employed people here in the reading audience are tired of playing by the rules, paying all of the taxes, fees, licensing, (which keep going up every year) while illegals are working under the table and we are subsidizing them as well as their extended families through higher medical premiums and of course more taxes. This cannot keep going on. Sooner or later this rickety wooden bridge we call or economy which is tantamount to termites holding hands is going to collapse. Recent trips to some sites where homes were under construction, one would think he/she were at a construction site in Tijuana or most of Southern California. None of the workers spoke English and if I were to make a supposition, most of them probably do not have visa's. I have a right to be angry and so should you. We play by the rules while others skate and to add insult to injury, we pay again. The amount we can charge for our labor is being greatly diminished by this influx of illegals. Write your Senator. Tell them to control our boarders. AND STOP HIRING ILLEGALS!!!

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

We need to be able to protect ourselves!

After reading Robert Denman's March 3rd article, I had to write. "Suck it up or do something" that's what you said Mr. Denman. What exactly are we supposed to do while some piece of filth is raping someone, breaking into your home etc.. what? Shall we hold a candlelight vigil? You indicated about the failure of systems set in place which fail due to the communities apathy. Here's a clue; we as citizens have no rights when it comes to protecting ourselves. If we are to use a firearm or weapon of any kind to protect ourselves, we'll be prosecuted, or be sued civilly by the criminal. We are not allowed to protect ourselves. Everyday I see in the news about innocent victims who decided protected themselves by the use of a firearm or weapon and then they are prosecuted for doing so. If the teachers at Columbine had carried a gun, would they and the students be alive today? Gun advocates and those that wish to protect themselves; we need to fight back, we're losing our rights. To the anti-gun people, get this straight; There won't be a cop on every corner to protect you. Until we are allowed to fight back on equal footing without fear of prosecution, (I'm not talking about vigilantism) all the crying, whimpering and worthless candlelight vigils won't mean a thing, you'll still be placing loved ones in caskets.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.


After reading John C. Prindle's February 8th commentary, I needed to respond. While I certainly agree with you Mr. Prindle that safety should be paramount when driving an automobile, plugging up the roads by be overly cautious or the flat out lethargic is quite another. For some inexplicable reason, the concept of multiple lanes on a road escapes the minds so many people, especially those that plug along at 10 miles below the speed limit. I grew up and lived in a much larger city than Longview/Kelso where drivers that chose to drive below the speed limit, (which many seem to do in this town) stayed in the RIGHT LANE. Here, you may have a four lane road, two in each direction and you have two snails pacing one another with a caravan of vehicles trailing behind....with blood pressure soaring. For the love of God, would you slow, lethargic drivers, PLEASE stay in the right lane thus unplugging many would be traffic jams. Thank you.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

The reason why very few REAL miricle drugs come on the market anymore.

I was watching 20/20 some time back. It was an interview with Christopher Reeves. The question was put to him by Barbara Walters why we are so far behind other countries when it comes to research, without missing a breath, he said that medical research scientists in this country are too timid. I would have to agree with that assessment. If I were a company trying to bring a wonder drug to market, not only would I have to sink millions of dollars as well as years of research only to have the FDA drag their heals for decades before it was approved while millions die at the hands of their bureaucracy. Then the parasites come out of their crevice to bilk these drug companies for millions while they try their luck at the medical mal-practice lottery. This is a very accurate picture of what is going on and we all suffer for it and it places our country in a obsequious position in relation to all other countries. The cure for this situation? Tort reform, loser pays. Simple, yet so effective. Send the parasites back to the holes they came from. Stop pushing paper from one desk to another and streamline productivity.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

Why "African American"??

I find this increasing annoying and something that makes no sense at all. Why is it that black people must be referred to as "African-American". What do you they know about Africa anymore than any other ethnic group? My ancestors are from Germany, should I be called "German-American"? And I have lived in Germany. My wife's ancestry is from Sweden, should she be referred to as "Swedish-American"? I do not see the Japanese or any other culture for that matter demanding that they have this surname in front of "American". We are all Americans. The majority of black people in this country have never set foot on African soil, in fact, you could probably go back several generations that have not either. To me, placing this surname in front of "American" is segregation, something that black people have been trying to abolish for so many years. Racism will continue until we stop segregating ethnic groups by name, giving special rights to those of a different color or sexual orientation just because they exist, this is nonsense.

John Wilson
Longview, WA.

Letter to President of Longview Fibre.

Dear Mr. Richard H. Wollenberg,
My name is John Wilson. I have a small business here in town. Over the past two years that I have been here in
Longview, I have witnessed this Department of Ecology leveling fines against your company several times. The first
time I saw this in the paper a couple of years ago, I assumed that this was a clear violation on the part of Fibre.
However, as time went on, I began to see a pattern of this agency that resembled that of the Mafia. Fibre has been
around much longer than this silly bureaucratic agency which lends credibility to your company. I believe this DOE
is shaking you down not because they truly care about the environment, but because they can and you’re the deepest
pocket around. This same sort of nonsense is the reason why there is such a mass exodus of large companies leaving
Oregon. I do not want to see these government bureaucracies chasing business out of town especially yours. I have
been contemplating my involvement in the political process because I refuse to see these government agencies that
seem to be above the RICO laws and they are never held accountable. This just isn’t an attack against Fibre, it’s an
attack on Businesses, more directly, successful businesses.

I’m sure it would be less of a headache to simply pay them off so they go away much like our Government has done
in the past with Korea, but an extortionist is never satisfied and they will always want more. You need to draw the
line and stop paying these parasites simply because you’ve done well. The more businesses cave in to these agencies,
the stronger they become. I thank you for your time.


John Wilson

Road Rage.

After reading Maureen Jasper's July 10th letter entitled,"Potential for road rage", I without a doubt had to respond to this one. So Mrs. or Ms. Jaspers, you say that you need a road sign in order to demonstrate common courtesy? Yes, all of us dolts are just waiting in line to cross the bridge because we don't know any better, is that it? You see, Ms. Jaspers, we are of a higher caliber. We who are waiting are not slobs like you who cut in front of everyone else and push your way in, I blame the idiot who allows you access. Granted, the North West loves to create "bottle neck" portals to connecting roads and bridges simply because road engineers did not anticipate such a large influx of people when these roads were designed years ago. Also, because of screwy environmental laws that hamper many road projects to accommodate larger volumes of traffic we are left with many "bottle neck" intersections. Remedy: Simple: you have to ask yourself which is more important; the indigenous plant that no one notices until you remove it, or roads that supplies our needs for the volume of traffic today, not for 1935.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

Slow Drivers.

Recently I have read many letters regarding traffic congestion here in Kelso/Longview, the new speed bump frenzy and traffic lights that leave our city in a clustered mess. I would like to add my two cents worth as to those that I feel are exacerbating this situation even further.They are the phlegmatic, lethargic drivers that are forever clogging our roads. No matter where I drive in this town, I am usually behind someone who feels more comfortable driving 10 to 15 mph under the speed limit. Since most of the roads here in town are two lanes, you are at the mercy of these slugs. Coming across the Rainier bridge, I've seen drivers with as much as a football field of distance between them and the car in front of them. This is what causes accidents. If you are a driver, and find that where ever you drive you seem to look more like a caravan with you leading the pack, I would say you're driving too slow and frustrating allot people. Pull over, allow the 100 people behind you to finally move at the speed limit thus unplugging the traffic jam and then resume your travels. If you cannot see the 100 people behind you, then I would say you are too old to drive and should hand in your license.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

Seat Belt Laws.

I had to respond to this front page may 8th article entitled, "State Cops going after seat-belt scofflaws, Officers asked to issue three tickets an hour". I think it is completely understandable for the state of Washington to impose a seat belt law on "other occupants" of a vehicle, and that it is incumbent upon the driver of that vehicle to make sure all "Other Occupants" are buckled up and anyone under the age of 18. That being said, what of those drivers who are solo in their vehicle, excluding of course those under the age of 18? Why must the state of Washington mandate that we as individuals, who are alone in our vehicle, under our own volition elect to drive with out a Seat belt? In an accident, does this harm anyone else but ourselves? How does our not wearing a Seat belt impact anyone else? Let's take this a step further. I think we would all agree that cigarette smoking, fast food are deadly, yet it is not illegal to woof down five Big Macs or smoke three packs of cigarettes a day. We can legally damage ourselves in anyway as long as it is not at the hands of a missing Seat belt. I know the "Ney-Sayers" and health police will drag out there old tired debate, "Is driving a privilage or a right", my answer to them is this: Do we pay taxes for roads, fuel consumption tax, vehicle tax and other elusive fees that go along with driving?

John Wilson
Longview, WA.

Too much bureauracracy to build anything anymore.

This is in response to the February 10th article on the front page entitled, "Business lobby hopes to exploit tough times". It appears that the powers that be are reluctantly easing restrictions to make a more friendly business atmosphere to lure large companies to our area. My question is this: why on earth would any large company want to come to this Ergonomic happy,Environmental-Liberal, taxamania, unionized state to open up shop? My Grandfather worked on the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge back in the 1930's. I doubt with all of the aforementioned employee friendly work environment that we could undertake such an endeavor today, and they had far less technological equipment back then. We've become administrative top heavy, soft and spoiled whining about our rights causing project costs to go up and endless bureaucratic gridlock. There appears to be a mass exodus of large companies leaving the North West, can you blame them? Until we realize that those large companies pump dollars into the community, and we treat them with a welcome attitude, this place is going to become a ghost town.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

Celebrating Sin

I would like to appeal to the common sense of all of you Democrats and Liberals out there, please listen. Immigration is out of control in this country. I understand you people want to save the world from their corrupt governments and allow them unfettered access to our country and everything we have to offer. As much as you would like to do this, we simply cannot. We did not create their government, we did not create their corruption. Brave people of this country fought and died to make a better place for ourselves here and for generations to come. But the Democrats and Liberals are destroying this by allowing unbridled, unlawful access by immigrants who wish to bring that same corruption here or to be a parasite and suck our resources dry. True immigrants who come here lawfully, work and pay into the system, I applaud them, they are more than welcome in this country, this letter is not about them. When I here the Democrats have their "Celebrate Diversity Day" or whatever they call it, that's a code word for: be accepting of the illegal immigrants, be accepting of deviant behavior from homosexuals, Lesbians, transgenders, people that like animals in an amorous way....NAMBLA, (you don't want to know what that acronym is for.. it's disgusting).. I could go on and on. They sort of lump all the bad stuff together and throw it out there and expect us to honor it. Clear thinking people need to be aware of what is going on, we are incrementally losing our country. Vote people out of office who ascribe to these philosophies, it's that simple.

John Wilson
Longview, WA.

Monday, October 10, 2005


May I see a show of hands of you who are business travelers? And of those raised hands, how many of you invariably are forced to suffer the presumptuous behavior of other Hotel/Motel guests? Once again I am traveling and I am forced to stay at a Motel 6. It's not so much the Motel as is the people who stay there. For some odd reason, guests feel they must thrust their door closed with as much force as a wife slamming the bedroom door followed with a "You Bastard"!

One night a guest brought their pet Beagle. This is basically a siren with four legs. If I were to make a guess, I would say 50% of the guests here are Meth addicts. During the summer when I was traveling, a motel guest was beating on the wall. I thought he was remodeling. It was like being stuck next to Michael Keaton in Pacific Heights. I called next door and inquired as to the noise. His response'" Oh..... well, uh.. I was swattin' dem bugs on the wall... they uh flew in so I was trying to get rid of them".

Unlike Hotels which have indoor hallways, Motels have the front door right next to the car exhaust pipe. I mean, By God, you have to listen to the Moron who just put new headers on his heap while he is warming up his engine at 4:30AM. Or the trucker who has one of those refrigerated trucks and every ball bearing in the compressor is shot. So you get to hear a LOUD screech as the compressor starts every 15 minutes while he is sleeping out of ear shot on the other side of the building. Kids? Forget it! They never go to sleep. They're running all around, banging on walls, hyper as hell. They should give all the parents as many doses of Riddelin for as many days they plan to stay. Oh, and we can't for get about the conversations that occur at 3:00AM in front of your door You know, the funny thing is, the last time I was here I stayed in an absolute dump, and guess what, I got the best sleep ever! Let me ask you, does it get better with the cost of the Hotel? Help!

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Meth Tax Fails in Washington, gee, I wonder why!

The meth tax initiative failed for one reason, citizens do not trust government, more to the point, local governments, period. One writer wrote into the Daily news in Longview, WA. lamenting that we shouldn’t whine at the absence of the police when a meth addict breaks into your home or threatens you in any way. Even if this bill had passed, its effects would have been negligible on the problem. Throwing money at it with silly programs, one of which comes to mind is the needle exchange program that enables drug addicts, is not the answer. This is a tough problem requiring tough solutions with political correctness thrown out the window. It is not for the faint of heart. Here is my answer: Deputize citizens. Have the police department train citizens properly in the use of a handgun; deadly force, when and when not to use it. Train them about drug addicts and what to look for. I'm not talking about a simple gun permit, I mean full out deputization. If our citizens are serious about this problem, this is the answer.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Boot Camp For Kids?

"Boot Camp is the answer"?? This only addresses problem children after the fact. The real question is, why are there so many delinquents in the first place and how can we reduce that number dramatically. Here is the problem as I see it; kids today know their rights and it is spelled out to them by every teacher, CPS Social worker and the like and by God you'd better not touch them in any way shape or form. I attended elementary and high school in the 1970's. In the early 1970's where I attended elementary school, corporal punishment was used. My third grade teacher whacked me on the back of my hand with her pointer, and you know what, I didn't misbehave after that! Ask yourself the question; why is it that kids were in control more 50 years ago than today? Why was there less crime? Children respected their teachers because they knew there would be consequences. Time-out's, detention and things of that nature are a joke and the kids know it. It's time we bring corporal punishment back into the schools and throw the Progressive "I'm OK, You're OK" Liberal bums out because there in lies the problem.

John Wilson
Longview, WA.

Start Punishing!

It is a fruitless battle to legislate morality to these misfits of society unless those who are the administers of justice execute with a firm hand of morality themselves. Crime and subsequent justice in this country would be analogist to a dam ready to burst and that our remedy has been to patch, plug or divert. We never seem to address the underlying causation, a lack of true moral direction. In Oregon, the tax payers are hamstrung by the legislators using criminals as blackmail. Unless they can squeeze more money from the tax base, they will keep releasing more rats on society until they cry Uncle. Does this sound to you like those who administer justice are of a high moral fabric? We give our Government more money under the pretense that it will be going to place for its intended use. Then a commingling of tax revenues occur, (something we would be indicted for if we did this in the private sector) and money is diverted elsewhere for other uses. Punishment is just that "Punishment". We need to start "punishing" rather than the sole focus on rehabilitation. It hasn't worked thus far and I suspect it never will. A car accident victim, someone who has been injured needs "Rehabilitation". Those that knowingly cross the line and commit a crime need "Punishment". Once we as a state, establish this clear line of reasoning, we will be on the road to recovery, if not, I see future vigilante justice becoming rampant.

John Wilson

The Ford Foundation

What do we stand for as Americans in this country? There is this hard line leftist, anti-American socialist crowd that is trying to redefine what this country is all about and what we represent. The catalyst for this movement are the many useful idiots you will find among the left that are doing the bidding of these sinister people unwittingly because they refuse to investigate what they stand for. One such organization would be the Ford Foundation, (Nothing to do with Ford Motor Company). These people for years have given passage to illegal immigrants. These very thankful immigrants always without exception, side with this organization which is clearly anti-American in it's core beliefs. I believe their agenda is to change the political landscape of this country with an infusion of like minded people that they can control. The recent botched heart/lung transplant at Duke University is a clear example of what I am talking about. Here we have illegal immigrants who surreptitiously gain entrance to our country. Because they are illegal immigrants they are placed at the top of the transplant list while other LEGAL tax paying citizens have to wait because this family was allowed to cut ahead in the line. The operation goes south and now this same leftist garbage is encouraging this family to sue Duke University. THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN HERE TO BEGIN WITH! When I see on the news of this collage girl, who before every game while the pledge of Allegiance is being recited, she turns her leftist, Marin County, CA. behind around in protest of the American flag. One such occurrence happened and there was a Vietnam veteran who was in the audience, he got up, grabbed the flag and in the middle of the Pledge of Allegiance, draped the flag in front of her. The sad thing was, this war hero was escorted out while this little leftist whiner was allowed to stay. I ask you, Is this direction we want to go with our country?

John Wilson
Longview, WA.

Ranting on movie theaters and their patrons.

Once again, I went to our local movie theater this evening to see a movie, (something I rarely do for obvious reasons). I try and make the late show as to avoid as many loud mouthed morons and their commentaries throughout the picture as possible. No such luck. This time I was serenaded by an infant screaming throughout the movie and the parents sat and did nothing. I had to listen to a couple of twenty-something's yammer on and on to the right of me, another young gal yapping on her cell phone, oh, and we have to throw in the kicking of the back of my seat for good measure. I tried moving to different seats throughout the theater, but this proved to be an exercise in futility. I felt as though I was either in a Chuckee Cheese Pizza Parlor or a room full of ADHD patients. The only upside was the volume was so loud that it at times drowned out these morons. Unfortunately for an older person with hearing aids, their dust. I'm 41 years old, and I don't remember it being this bad even twenty years ago. What has happened to our society that being a slob and rude is the rule rather than the exception? Is it any wonder why DVD's, DVD players and home theater systems sales are booming? I'm done with theaters.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

We torture? You have to be kidding! I'M SICK OF IT!!

After reading Bernadette O'Brien's June 5th letter in the Daily News bashing Americans for condoning torture by allowing it to continue, I had to respond. You must be kidding, right? Instead of regurgitating what the media is feeding you, why not look at the truth, (facts), or should we simply go by what were feeling at the moment and the truth be damned? Here is the truth; We have already tried and convicted those responsible in the Abu Grab "so-called" abuse while Saddam Hussein sits un indicted in a jail. Now, you wish to talk about abuse, atrocities? Here some truth for you; Saddam Hussein would build swimming pools and fill them with acid. He would them lower screaming people into them slowly feet first and pull out a skeleton. He would video tape this to watch later for fun. His sons were worse yet. How about the torture that occurs in China? Korea? North Vietnam? Let me throw a dart at the globe and hit a country that REALLY tortures their prisoners. With all due respect, how dare you sit there, condemn Americans who in comparison are the most compassionate people on the face of this planet while atrocities are going on as I write this letter. This idea of "Blame America First" must stop if we are to continue as a sovereign nation.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

Enviromentaliberals...God help us!

The Enviromentaliberals decimated our economy through prohibition of logging to protect the Northern Spotted owl. They do this to allow nature to be unscathed my mankind's influence. They now want to destroy a new type of owl that has moved into the Northern spotted owl's territory. The Enviromentaliberals cannot have it both ways and we the voting public should not allow them to. They are now influencing the outcome of nature by playing God of the forest. If the timber companies are prohibited from influencing the old growth forests with conservative logging ( and replanting I might add), then the same applies with the Enviromentaliberals who wish to evict a certain species they deem inappropriate for their forests. Why do they have the final say of what happens with OUR forests? These forests belong to ALL of us, not just the flakes who do not bathe and the "Rent a Mobs" that chain themselves to trees. Why were millions of board feet of lumber allowed to rot after the biscuit
fire in Siskiyou National Forests? This was good lumber that could have been used. Again, the Enviromentalibers whined and the timber companies were banned and the wood rotted. Why? They didn't want mankind's influence in the old growth forests. Well we don't want them mucking up nature either, I say let the barred owl stay because according to their beliefs, that new species of owl has more of a right to be there then the Enviromentaliberal.

John Wilson
Longview, WA.

Hate Crime Legeslation

I just read the article from the AP in the Daily News: Three black men (excuse me) Three African-American men were roaming through a New York neighborhood for the express purpose of stealing cars and even admitted to it. A White man who would rather they not steal those cars, thwarted their plans with a baseball bat. The white youth is now being charged with a Hate Crime. How much more of this silliness are we going to put up with? If I understand correctly what the politically correct, left wing crowd would like is that we ask politely that the African-American please not steal that car. If it so happens that it is a white crook, we simply beat the hell out of him because maybe, just maybe his Great, Great ,Great, Great, Great Grandfather may have enslaved some African-American brethren. It is an exercise in racism what the left is doing by enabling the black population of our country with double standards and keeping them in victim status. When will they realize they are being used by charlatans such as Jesse Jackson who has become extremely wealthy from this. We are ALL Americans. Blacks are no more African than I am. The Hate Crime law needs to be abolished. This is not 1964, it is the 21st century.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

The Hate Crime Law

Liberals have this idea of how the world should work. If what they feel does mesh with reality, they use tactics such as Misinformation, Misdirection and half truths. This has always been the Liberal's M.O. when debating a subject where their evidence falls flat like a lead balloon. Let's dissect Ms.Thomas's letter: She is in favor of the law because of what happened to her cousin when she was 7 years old, how many years ago was that? Unless Geraldine is in her 20's, I would say this happened quite awhile ago. Again, this is not 1964, it is the 21st Century. The other two examples she offers, those people were tried and convicted to the fullest extent of the law and no Hate crime law was in place at that time. She then uses Jim and Tammy Baker and Jimmy Swaggert as examples of charlatans that are white. Granted, Jim and Tammy defrauded many people out of thousands of dollars, (And they went to prison for it), and Swaggert liked his voyeurism. Jesse Jackson on the other hand extorted Hundreds of Millions of dollars from companies, (either they pay Jesse or hire more blacks) only to pad his own pocket and let's not forget about Karin Stanford. Oh, and what church is the Rev Jesse Jackson a pastor of? Our country needs to get past the bigotry by abolishing double standards.

John Wilson

Longview, WA.

We've lost our Minds

As I write this, I find the behavior of many people in our country extremely baffling. To someone outside our country looking in you would think we were all suffering with a case of Stockholm Syndrome. If you polled most people before September 11, 2001 of what an extreme Muslim terrorist is, they would be clueless. Now suddenly we are hailing Muslims as heroes, their faith is in many school curriculums, we have even given them Hate Crime status and many are converting. Am I missing something here? The Muslim religion does not change from person to person , either you are a Muslim or you are not. Recently since the anniversary of the A-Bomb dropped on Hiroshima, there are articles all over bashing Americans for such a dastardly act. What? Are they kidding? Our men at Pearl Harbor were ambushed on a Sunday morning before 8:00AM, while they were asleep! We at least dropped leaflets warning the Japanese in response to their attack on us, we had no warning. As I have said before, if we are to stay a sovereign nation, this blame America first MUST stop.

John Wilson
Longview, WA.

A Polarized Nation

A Polarized Nation

My parents, in their 80's, are from a generation where our country was a galvanized nation. Where the majority of citizens had similar core moral values based upon their belief in the Bible and upbringing. A generation that was concerned for their neighbor's well being and wouldn't dream of presuming upon anyone. They worked hard and had little time to protest about anything. Children, for the most part, were well behaved or could be controlled very easy with a stern look from a teacher. Fast forward to 2005. We now are looking at a generation that is more polarized than ever. We are beginning to resemble ancient Rome at the precipice of their demise. A generation that is self serving and whine at everything, protesting anything and everything. That presumes upon everyone. A generation that has removed itself from the well grounded beliefs of their predecessors only to be enchanted by every false doctrine that blows past them leaving them running in all directions with no specific purpose. We are self destructing with no clear vision. If we are to survive as a nation, we must become galvanized once again with leaders who have biblically centered convictions upon which we were founded.

John Wilson
Longview, WA.


Why is there such a proliferation of Liberals in Government and those agencies that are controlled by Government? Why is it that you find more Conservatives in the private sector, or more precisely, owning their own businesses? Why is our country so polarized with respect to the disparate directions each side tends to move toward? I believe that Liberals by their very nature gravitate toward the path of least resistance. Owning your own business, which is the basis for Capitalism, requires one to be more responsible personally for their actions, Liberals will always deflect that personal responsibility. Private sector businesses do not pay unless you actually do some real work while in contrast, Government offers a safety net and tenure which rewards laziness and underachievement. How did our Government become this way? Follow the money. Where will a parasite always go? Where the most food is so it can survive with the least amount of effort. Our government today is the result of many years of unabated, liberal infiltration to form it into the shakedown, socialistic government you see today; remove from those that work hard and achieve more, give it to those that wish to work less.

That answers the question of money redistribution with respect to the mind set of Conservative vs. Liberal, but why is the Liberal side tend to be more like a side show with respect to Gays, Lesbians, celebrating diversity, racial compensation, on and on?
I think that conservatives are so busy trying to make a living, they do not have time to concentrate on these non-issues, where as Liberals seem to have more disposable time on their hands.

Every answer with Liberals is neither right nor wrong. Their mind set is there is no right or wrong answers…just feelings and those by God are not wrong. The problem with this mind set is there are no absolutes with respect to Laws and the governing of them. The consequences of an “I’m OK you’re OK” attitude will eventually lead to chaos with no real direction.